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Getting Buried in the Sand!

So this mission... Maybe not actually complete. Yes, I got buried in the sand... but by people that I knew. The whole point of this video was to try and get a stranger to bury me... but don't be fooled! I'd still argue that this mission was a success, and here's a short reason why:

Seeing cartoon characters on TV when I was growing up, getting buried in the sand seemed like a lot of fun... something worth trying! After many, many years of procrastinating and putting this 'bucket list' item on the back burner, I thought this vacation to Florida would be the perfect opportunity to do it. We went down to visit family, and I was determined to be buried in the sand. Even though I said at the beginning of the video that a stranger was going to bury me in the sand, the goal (for me) deep down was to just have the experience of being underneath the sand with my body fully submerged and my head sticking out.

What was it like?: I was super cool! It took much longer than I thought to dig a hole of appropriate size... but once that was out of the way, the cold sand surrounding you on a hot day is certainly refreshing. Lastly, the sand was much heavier than I thought. So heavy to the point where it was quite difficult to get up out of the sand!

Either way, it was such an awesome experience that I would love to have again. I recommend this for anybody, as long as you have supervision and a way to escape from the hole incase something goes wrong. (P.S. do not do this in the range of the ocean waves/high tide... bad idea).

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